Mrs.Fritz is a political genius, I love how this show is able to portray modern day politics and show how the flaming liberal society of Washington is slowly taking over the Judicial branch as we know it. Although the show take place in the 20's, the director was still able to show that John McCain and his team of mavericks were no match for the smarts that were put up by the democratic party.
Teaching English, Directing Theatre and Coaching Debate keeps me rather busy at Glacier High! I also have a personal life (gasp) that includes 2 amazing kids and a wonderful husband.
I herad taht tihs sohw was rellay garet! Atlough a few of tiher csat mebemrs wnet bokners, the sohw was stlil amzanig!!!
Go see it, if you can get a ticket!
Mrs.Fritz is a political genius, I love how this show is able to portray modern day politics and show how the flaming liberal society of Washington is slowly taking over the Judicial branch as we know it. Although the show take place in the 20's, the director was still able to show that John McCain and his team of mavericks were no match for the smarts that were put up by the democratic party.
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